Monday, September 16, 2013


Since I did it with Gabe, I feel the need to have a nicknames lis ror New Baby too.
He has adopted some of Gabe's old nicknames like Mr Kickster a few times and Baby Nana a decent amount because he's so sad sometimes.  He also has been known as Hux, Zach, That One, Your Life Is Hard, etc.

crawling and pulling to stand

I was tonna be good wife and lie that Hux did anything big until the first time he did it after Hubby came to be with us in a few days...but Hux crawled a few steps yesterday (not army crawling or scooching) and today be pulled himself to stand up at Gabe's bed.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

As I Cry Here In The Dark *expletive warning

It took about an hour to get Baby to stop screaming.  It was so bad that Gabriwl and I had to go in the other room (alhough Gabe was very good for about fifteen or twenty minutes).  I feel wo had for Gabe.  I feel way less had for Baby.  He will be six months old in less than a week.  He does  I've been vwry spoiled this last week.  Mom was so great and just took over the nightshift ever since I got home from the hospital, even now that I'm less braindead.  I feel so bad for her that she had to put up with this.  I love Baby.  I really do...but I just about (and by that, I mean I did in reality) yelled at him to shut the fuck up and just go to sleep.  I told you: me? I'm over it.  I can't very well do the modified cry it out like we did with Gabe whwn !) The boys are sharing a room, b) Hubby isn't here to offer a fridge bottle in case he truly is starving, and c) we're about to be moving/going through tra nsitions again.  But I also can't handle the waking up and the incessant screaming anymore.  Huddled up in the dark struggling not to bal my eyes out isn't how I normally roll.  I just don't know how many o be a good mom and balance both meeting his needs while still making sure we both get enough sleep t function throughout the day

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

No, Baby, Noooooooo!

We meet up with Hubby again in two weeks.  Baby keeps gettint up on all fours...and now he's rocking back and forth.  I know you're about there, Haby, but please just hold off for two more weeks so your daddio can be there to see.  I know how hard it was to miss all of the firsts while working when Gabriel was a baby...but I was at least there at night and could reexperience things.  I feel like I should be the guy from Life Happens (?) And push him down when he does that just so Hubby doesn't miss it!

On another note: Baby only woke up for two chunks last night.  I went to bed at 8:30 I was so worn oit from the every hour experiences...  I'm just so hapoy right now.  Baby is much haplier.  I'm much happier.  I feel more like my normal, happy, productive self.  Woo hoo