Thursday, June 25, 2009

13 week update

1) I looked at myself in the mirror for the first time (really looked) last night and I think my tummy is noticeably popping out. I still think it looks like I'm just getting fatter, but at least I can SEE it instead of just wondering why NONE of my bottoms fit anymore. Boo. Still am wondering if it's multiples. Doc said she'd probably be able to tell at the next appointment if multiples were likely or not.

2) I'm pretty sure the depression has come back. Only it seems harsher now that I have massive hormones raging through my body. Hopefully it will subside when the nausea passes.

3) I obviously can't see the future (no matter how much I joke) but I'm still pretty positive I won't be trying to get pregnant after Yoda-Monster is released from my body.