Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My Kid Totally Talks Now

For those who didn't know: When Chris went across the country for job training, Gabriel sorta stopped in a lot of ways. He wasn't a fan of eating (anything), he stopped saying new words, he stopped sleeping through the night, etc. Things are getting back to normal now and, even though he was still only saying about 15 words at almost two years, he's now repeating just about everything and has phrases he loves. This post is to try and keep track of/remember some of the cute things he says.
He also now loves the ABC song (although he gets distracted half of the time...or starts singing like Caitlin Millis and mumbles through the letters/words he doesn't remember).
He counts as well...but needs guidance as he likes to skip from two to seven (I think it's his favorite number b/c he'll "count" up to twelve and then start again at seven and go over and over and over and over and over and over and get my point)
  • One minute
  • Pee-tae-toe
  • So sorry
  • Here go [insert whatever item he doesn't want to have to hold anymore]
  • How ah dooning (how are you doing)
  • You okay (half of the time he's very worried about the person he's asking...and half of the time it's because he was just mean and is trying to make sure his mean'ness had an impact)


  1. Today was definitely a day for: "I funny, Mommy. I funny" after doing something absurd and then laughing at himself.

  2. FYI: My kid calls the guy with the big belly and red hat "santa closet"
    He also has started saying "aminals" instead of animals. I feel like Caitlin's been teaching him bad things.
    He pronounces yellow "leddow" which I think is hilarious.

  3. New phrases of the week:
    "28 pounds. That's crazy" each time he stands on the scale, despite the fact he's 27 lbs.
    "I'm being weird, Mommy. I'm being weird." He says this randomly, whether he's doing something totally normal or is, in fact, being weird.
