Sunday, October 14, 2012

By now, I think everyone knows...

By now, I think everyone knows that I'm pregnant again.  I'm *almost* halfway through this pregnancy and all seems good.
I've decided this past week that I'm 95% sure that it is, in fact, the baby I've been feeling moving about.  With Gabriel, I remember feeling more like it was butterflies, etc.  This time, it feels more like bubbles popping and/or being flicked from the inside of my belly.  I could be wrong, but I don't remember feeling such "obvious" sensations this early the last time. 
Yesterday, Gabriel and I were reading the weekly babycenter post on Baby's development and when we were done, Gabriel said that he wanted "to read more about Baby Fester" (what we started calling Baby in this last week when I realized it would be almost another month to figure out the sex).  After reading next weeks post AND the following week, Gabriel kept wanting to read more and more and more about Baby Fester (and got upset when I told him we should wait to read more...the posts are about Baby's development this week, so if we get too far ahead, it's confusing).  I'm still not sure he "gets it" that there's actually a baby in the uterus in my tummy, but he is acting more interested.  And yesterday, we DID see him lifting up a friends shirt to try and "feel the baby in there."  Sigh.  Life is so confusing when you're two. 
Which brings me to:
We're having some serious trouble with boy/girl=his/her and are/is distinctions.  I figure when Gabriel and I have a 15 minute discussion about how he's a boy b/c he has a penis (to which he'll argue that he DOES have a penis, but he's a girl), he just doesn't quite "get" that boys also don't have uteruses (what's the plural of that?) and therefore can't have babies.  (I didn't even get into the fact that a three year old, whether boy or girl, can't have a baby.)
It's cute, though.  And it's great to finally have a bit of energy back.  I'm still on meds for nausea, but I'm *almost* back up to my starting weight (woot woot) and it's gotten better to the point that *most* nights (after the meds wear off), I feel pretty decent'ish.  Woot woot?
I'm now at the point in pregnancy where I'm trying to take hold of all obsessive tendencies so I can get as much done as possible b/c I know once Baby Fester is here, I won't get half of this stuff done for months and months.

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