Thursday, August 6, 2009

What what?

Granted, I'm not sure as I've never felt it before, but I MAY be feeling Yoda-Monster kick.

The first time it happened was on the plane ride home, but I wasn't sure if it's b/c the tummy was getting upset or what...but then it happened again yesterday several times. And here's all I can think of to compare it to... It's, like, the opposite of a cramp. For the first few months, the tummy was upset a lot of the time. Sometimes it would be roll-ey, sometimes it would be hot-owie, sometimes it would be really crampy, sometimes there just seemed to be a LOT of tension, etc. Well, this isn't painful at all...and it's not like a's like the opposite of a cramp. So instead of feeling like my insides are somewhat collapsing on themselves/curling up into a ball, it feels like something's expanding quickly and then will stop. Weird. I guess we'll see next week at the ultrasound if that is, in fact, what it is or not...although I'm not sure if/when it will happen again.

Plus, I guess today marks 19 weeks. Thank God I'm about half-way there to meeting my wee-one.

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