Monday, August 12, 2013

Baby foodies

I was trying to wait until Hubby and I were back together to feed Baby his first solids...but it's just shy of 5 months and for over a month he screams when he sees me eating and he doesn't get any.  Today, I wrote Hubby and asked if he even cared (to which he said no but thanks for thinking of him) and Baby was crying inconsolably no matter what I did.  Gabriel refused to eat his dinner (and put himself to bed at 6:00?...which sorta makes me wonder if he has the sickness that I've had for the last day) so I squished up the innards of the plum that was meant for Gabe and fed it to Baby Zach.  And by that, I mean Baby grabbed my hand and wouldn't let go and kept feeding himself.  I also have an avocado squished up and in the fridge for him tomorrow if he so chooses.  Plum is maybe not on the list of logical firsts, but it was easy and it did make him happy (really happy) and I figure we'll start with more logical things (like the avocado I initially thought I'd feed to him) tomorrow.  I figure none of us have any allergies so I'm not gonna worry too much about Baby having allergies unless he starts acting weird, in which case I'll cut back on everything.  He will still be eating almost fully breastmilk, but it's just so fun to see him eat squished up *real* food.

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